
Spring 웹싸이트 : www.spring.io   


Spring makes Java simple.

Level up your Java code and explore what Spring can do for you.


  1. Goals
    1. Java POJO
    2. DI - loose coupling
    3. AOP
    4. Minimize boilerplate java code
  2. Core Containter: Bean Factory for creating beans
    1. Beans
    2. Core
    3. SpEL
    4. Context
  3. Infrastructure
    1. AOP (Ascpect Oriented Proggramming): Add Functionallity to objects - logging, security, transactions etc..
    2. Aspects
    3. Instrumentation
      1. Java agaents to remotely monitor your app with JMX (Java Management Extension)
    4. Messaging
  4. Data Access Later
    1. JDBC 
    2. ORM (hibernate): Object to Relational Mapping
    3. JMS (Java Message Service)
    4. Transactions: Makes heavy use of AOP behind the scenes
    5. OXM
  5. Web Layer (Spring MVC)
    1. Servlet
    2. WebSocket
    3. Web
    4. Portlet
  6. Test Layer (TDD - Test-Driven Development)
    1. Unit
    2. Integration
    3. Mock



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